查尔斯韦斯特学者加入纳普总统,玫瑰碗比赛委员会成员,夫人. 琳达·韦斯特·尼肯斯和迈克尔·尼肯斯(迈克尔·尼肯斯博士的女儿和孙子). 查尔斯·韦斯特(Charles West)在2017年11月17日的就职典礼上宣布. Charles West into the Rose Bowl Hall of Fame.

Who We Are

查尔斯·韦斯特学者是一个选择性的项目,旨在教育, engage, and empower black/African-American-identifying students at W&J. Named for W&J graduate Charles “Pruner” West ’24, the first African-American quarterback to play in the Rose Bowl, 该项目为居住在宾夕法尼亚州的优秀非裔美国学生提供经济支持.

该项目支持学生在校园里发展自己的身份, developing as a campus and local community leader, growing academically, and facing personal, social, cultural, and academic challenges while at W&J.

Charles West Scholars volunteering


What We Do

查尔斯·韦斯特学者每月举行一次会议,主持有关种族问题的讨论, diversity, campus life, or other subjects as proposed by members. To contribute to the world in which we live—a tenet of the W&charles West学者每学期进行社区服务项目. In February, 学者们与黑人学生会合作,为黑人历史月举办活动.

Scholars also participate in social events, including anything from bowling trips to formal dinners, 他们与YES预科项目的学生在社区服务和社会活动中密切合作.

How to Join

奖学金获得者是根据高中和/或以前大学的优异成绩从新生和转学生申请池中选出的, and contributions made to their local community. 被邀请加入查尔斯·韦斯特学者的学生将获得奖学金,该奖学金最多可续期四年.

More Information:

Who Was Charles West?

Diversity and Leadership Initiatives